The Kid

The Kid
My heart Grew legs and walked right out of my body

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back in our own hands, and school days!!

After being on the emotional roller coaster my life has been for the last several months, I feel like we finally have our life back in our hands,  very soon we will no longer be tied to anyone else, counting on anyone else to make the right decision. We are in control of our own destiny! It feels GOOD! Of course I am a little scared, and worried because well, that is what I do. But after spending the last 4 years depending on someone else to get their bills paid so OUR credit doesn't suffer, I finally feel FREE!! freedom is scary, but oh so exciting. We have been looking at all our options, and will make the best decision we can for our family. It is great to know that we answer to no one but us! I think with this freedom other feelings will fade away, resentment, hatred, etc.. Now don't get me wrong I said FADE not go away, it takes a LOT to make me dislike someone, and when that day comes there is no going back especially when there is no respect involved any longer. I look forward to the day when the move is done and we can sit in our home, or back yard (ahhhhhh back yard) Already things have gotten better, just knowing that our days here are numbered helps a lot.  Having an answer and a direction and a plan is all I have needed apparently. (not surprising beings I am a teeny bit controlling) But I get to take steps forward and that means so much to me. I always have to be moving forward.

Speaking of forward, Erik went to school today and we met his teacher, she is very nice and he seemed to really like his classroom. I have high hopes for this year! A lot of new exciting things going on around us! And it is in our hands to make it the best we can! We will no longer make the mistakes of the past again! good things :)

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