The Kid

The Kid
My heart Grew legs and walked right out of my body

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Crush

I went with the biggest "crush" of my teenage years.

Dear Danny,

I crushed you for three years, I don't know many girls who didn't crush on you. I drove my friends crazy talking about you.  I signed your last name with my first name over and over and over and over again. I just KNEW that we were supposed to be together. Even when you moved away I still crushed you.  You caused me fights in school when you moved back. Like I said EVERYONE crushed you. Imagine my excitement when you asked me out and we started dating. OH I thought all of my dreams have come true! unfortunately you were a terrible boyfriend and dating you was not nearly as "great" as I had built up over the last three years. So Danny you were my "biggest" crush but you were also my last crush, I knew that guys were never as great as you built them up to be in your head. I knew this until I met a guy that exceeded what I thought he could be so i married him.  So Thank you Danny. 


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